Major Group for Children and Youth

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Climate Change and COVID-19

We super excited to share with you our upcoming webinar on Connecting the Crisis: COVID19 and Climate being organised by IFMSA in collaboration with the UNFCCC Youth Constituency (YOUNGO) on April 27, 2020, at 06:00 PM CEST. 

 The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the interlinkages (i.e. scientific, economic, and social) of the COVID19 and climate crisis as well as the challenges and opportunities. In addition, this webinar is designed to identify the positive connections between both crises and look into an effective green recovery.  

We have confirmed three 3 inspiring speakers to discuss with us this issue and answer your questions: 

  1. Nicole de Paula, Planetary Health Alliance, Brazil

  2. Yassen Tcholakov, Public Health Professional, Canada 

  3. Arthur Wyns, WHO Climate Change Team, Switzerland

Our wonderful speakers will be are happy to specifically discuss the following questions, which I invite you to reflect on: 

  1. What is COVID -19 and how does it impact health & environment?  

  2. How has COVID -19 impacted the global climate movement?

  3. What can we learn from COVID-19 for our response to the climate crisis?

  4. What should be the next step of the public and private industries after the COVID19 crises to combat climate change?

To save your seat, please register here: