Major Group for Children and Youth

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Public Consultation - Global Youth Health Caucus - Restructure - Deadline 28th June !!

Dear fellow advocates,

Hope this finds you well and in good health.

As you will have seen from previous emails, we are currently undertaking a constituency-wide process to enhance the institutional structures and governance of the collective UN MGCY constituency. This reflects the rapidly expanding nature of our work and seeks to enhance our capacity for new engagement across the UN system.

Reflecting this wider process, we have also been reviewing the structure of the SDG3 Working Group/Global Youth Health Caucus to ensure we are future-focused and have the capacity to shape and respond to emerging health agendas at the UN.

In consultation with the MGCY coordination team, we have proposed some updates to our WG ToR including a proposal for a revised governance structure. This is very much a work in progress and YOUR insights are critical to ensure the final structure is fully fit for purpose.

We would like to invite you to review the draft ToR for the UN MGCY Global Youth Health Caucus and provide your comment and inputs. You can do this either directly on the google document or respond directly by email with your perspectives on the proposed structure. We are particularly interested to know what thematic areas you feel we should be focusing on, in the area of health and wellbeing, as well as key areas of work. The deadline for inputs is Sunday 28th June 2020.

Following the finalisation of the ToR we will be opening up a call for new focal points and developing a new action plan detailing the major activities that the group will undertake over the coming months - including specific thematic and regional deliverables. We look forward to engaging with you all on this and taking forward a progressive agenda to achieve health for all.

Best wishes