Major Group for Children and Youth

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World Youth Report

Dear Regional Youth Partners,

Thank you for your support of the World Youth Report . The initial response to the survey has been great and we would like to include as many young people as possible. The TRELLO BOARD and PROMOTION KIT also contain the sample emails, social media posts and social media cards for the second outreach push. You could use these to promote the survey on various platforms.

Please feel free to adapt the language to match your channels, be sure to include

In addition to the survey, the WYR will also be informed by youth focus groups on various topics relevant to the report. These will bring together young from specific backgrounds and contexts in a discussion on the topic of youth mental health and wellbeing.

The focus groups being planned include the following topics:

  • Employment, unemployment, precarious employment and mental health

  • Inequality and mental health

  • Family influence on mental health

  • Digital environment and mental health

  • Positive experiences of acceptance (specifically LGBTQI+)

  • Structural barriers in education (High school)

  • Other (Any other topic young people might put forward)

We are trying to make sure young people from groups or with experiences that are often not heard are included in the report. These may include: LGBTQI+, indigenous youth, young people with disabilities, young people facing work and descent based discrimination, youth with experience in the justice and welfare systems, experience in conflict zones or disaster and humanitarian situations, young migrants or refugees, young people facing gender based discrimination experience, young people with child labour experiences and trans-pathways. Please circulate THIS FORM among young people (aged 29 and below) in your networks for them to join any of the focus groups or to suggest one.