Major Group for Children and Youth

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Contribute to the UN Secretary General's Report on Youth

Please provide inputs through the google form - 

Deadline: 28th June 2024, 10 AM Eastern Time.

We are pleased to seek inputs from youth partners for the 2024 Progress Report of the Secretary-General on "Programmes and Policies Involving Youth", in response to GA Resolution 76/137, which:

"Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session on the implementation of the present resolution, and encourages Member States to report on progress that has been achieved in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals with regard to the youth agenda and challenges that still remain, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to be prepared in consultation with relevant specialized agencies, funds, programmes and regional commissions, taking into account the work done by the United Nations system, and encourages the Secretariat to consult with youth-led and youth-focused organizations."

In this context, and in accordance with the Resolution, your organization/member organizations may wish to provide information from the past two (2) years for the following questions.

You can choose whichever questions / sections you wish to respond to.

What is the Secretary General’s Report on Youth to UNGA? 
The General Assembly Resolution 76/137 entitled “Policies and Programmes Involving Youth” requests the Secretary-General to submit a report on achievements and challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with regard to youth development, in consultation with Member States and other stakeholders, including UN system entities and youth-led and youth-focused organizations. 

This report is published every one/two years developed through a consultative process. The previous iterations of the report can be accessed on the link - 

Contributions from MGCY and affiliated constituencies to the report
In the previous years, MGCY members have contributed to the report by providing written inputs, hosting consultations and other forms of inputs sent to UN. Generally, this serves as a good avenue / opportunity for us to showcase youth-led actions and perspectives and demonstrate the importance of self-led constituencies and their actions on the ground. 

Provide INPUTS to the 2024 Report
Grounded in the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) and its linkages to the SDGs, this year’s report focuses on local youth actions for SDG acceleration, with special attention given to policy coordination and cohesion across local and national development-focused policies, as well as the role these play in encouraging trust-building and dialogue between youth and public authorities. As the range of development policies is quite broad, the report will focus on three specific areas of critical importance to youth development. These areas are: (1) Investing in Youth: Enhancing Social Protection for Poverty Alleviation, Food Security, and Health; (2) Building Resilient Livelihoods: Promoting Quality Education and Decent Work; and (3) Youth as Drivers of Change: Fostering Sustainable Communities and Advancing Climate Action.

We have been asked to provided inputs to the report. If you or your organization has interest / works on this topics, please provide inputs through the google form - 

Deadline: 28th June 2024, 10 AM Eastern Time.