Kishoka Youth Community Based Organization (C.B.O)

911 Info through Graffiti

Location: Kenya (Mombasa)

We are living in a village where there are vulnerable youths and hard to reach communities. These communities do not have smart phones, radio or television to access information on what's going on in the country. We reach them through Graffiti on walls with key messages and information on how to curb or flatten the curve of Covid-19. The graffiti is permanent and can be accessed anytime whether you are learned or not but through pictures anyone can learn and grasp few information.


We require almost $10,000 to be able to do graffiti and reach interior places to access the hard to reach community. We are missing paints, visual artist and transportation for the project to be implemented. We are planning to write some proposal to key Organizations which will accept and working on the issue.

Other needs: Volunteers

For more information contact