Centre for Communities Education and Youth Development

Children and Youth Lives Matter in the COVID-19 Era

Location: Ghana

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The Children and Youth as well as the vulnerable in the rural communities are left out - no information, no learning materials due to the lock-down of schools, and not any support for the vulnerable. CCEYD has reached out to children with over 50000 books and nose masks for women in those hard to reach communities in the northern region of Ghana.


We are having resource challenges (technical, equipment etc.). We are targeting $15,000 - PPEs, food supplies to the vulnerable, teaching and learning materials, laptops etc. We are using social media and our website for raising funds.

Other needs: Volunteers, Access to information, Space for online convenings (e.g. GoToMeeting)

See more: https://web.facebook.com/Centre-for-Communities-Education-and-Youth-development-CCEYD-1539315196345375/

For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org