Different Boat, Same Storm

Location: Global

In these past few months, our daily lives have been disrupted in a manner that none of us could possibly fathom. COVID-19 is a public health, economic, and geopolitical crisis, but it is, first and foremost, a humanitarian crisis and we want to showcase exactly that. “Kindling Empathy Amidst a Global Pandemic” is the central belief that drives us at Different Boat, Same Storm.

Different Boat, Same Storm is a video podcast centred around creating conversations about perspectives & experiences that often lie in the shadows of mainstream discourse. Every week, our guests will talk about the innovations & adaptations this pandemic has brought forth, what brings them joy and what their light at the end of this tunnel that keeps them going is.


We are having other resource challenges (technical, equipment etc.)

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For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org