UN/ITU Webinar: The 'Infodemic': misinformation and disinformation during COVID19, 29 April Wednesday

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ITU, in partnership with the Office of the Special Advisor to the Secretary-General working on Digital Cooperation, to join a webinar, to be held at 09:30-11:00 EDT New York, 29 April Wednesday, as part of the UN/ITU Webinar series on “Digital Cooperation during COVID19 and beyond”. 

This dialogue will discuss “The ‘Infodemic’ – misinformation and disinformation during Covid-19”: focusing on specific communication challenges countries are facing during the COVID19 crisis, and strategies and tactics which have been deployed to counter disinformation and misinformation. UNDP and UNESCO are strategic partners of this Webinar with ITU. With senior representatives and experts from government, private sector, civil society, and international organization, the discussion will deep dive into 3 key areas of focus: 

 i) supply side – how to decrease the production of mis/dis-information, 

ii) transmission – how to stop dis/mis-information, but to protect information, 

iii) reception – how to spot the difference between information on one hand, and mis/dis-information on the other; and act wisely.

In this regards, the webinar will specifically look for comments from you on the following question.

Q. What strategies and tactics have been deployed to counter disinformation and misinformation? What are the key actions which are proven to work?  

  1. Aimed at the level of mis/dis-information PRODUCTION  

  2. Aimed at the level of mis/dis-information TRANSMISSION

  3. Aimed at the level of mis/dis-information RECEPTION

Call-in details/link for next Wednesday’s webinar are as follows: https://itu.zoom.us/j/98714562829?pwd=NGRvU0ZSUzF6alBVSG9ETk5TWWFidz09

(Meeting ID: 987 1456 2829, Meeting password: 563299). Due to security reasons, you are kindly requested to join this webinar by giving your full name and your entity in brackets: e.g. JeoungHee Kim (UN).

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