Get Involved
As a member, you can embark on a journey of impact where the priorities of young people become part of youth-led advocacy and proceedings at the UN.
Who Can Engage?
In order to create impact young people engage and organise themselves and their work in several different ways.
Respecting this ethic, and the principles of universality, equity, and diversity the MGCY welcomes all types of formal and informal child-led, youth-led and child-and-youth-serving* entities as well as their member. In order to navigate the UN and multilateral system in a more impactful way we convene our coordination structures, inter alia, along 1) topics of work, 2) regions, 3) types of entities/organisations by scope of work, and by 4) by organisational standing in the UN
Are There Any Requirements?
The MGCY follows an open membership process. The only requirements are the following:
All members of the Major Group for Children and Youth must, first and foremost:
Agree to adhere to the Process and Procedures of the MGCY (see "Our Governance");
Agree with the principles of the UN Charter;
Agree with the values and principles of the MGCY as expressed in its vision: “collective principles of solidarity, diversity, justice, equity, universality, inclusion, human rights, and the integrity of the planet.”
Get Involved as an Organisation
Any formal or informal child-led, youth-led and child-and-youth-serving* entities in the form of federations, unions, organisations, associations, councils, networks, clubs, movements, mechanisms, structures and other entities, as well as their members may join. You will join a constituency of over 7000 such entities in over 180 countries and territories
Get Involved as an Individual
If you are a young person age 30 and below, and do not belong to or formally represent a youth led, child led, youth serving or child serving entity you can engage in the UN by becoming a member of the legal entity of the UNMGCY, and agreeing to its Processes and Procedures.
Have More Questions?
If you have more questions about MGCY, its work and/or how you can be involved, please visit the FAQ page linked below
*These youth and/or child focused entities (not having a policymaking body controlled by people 30 years old or under) that are members may not stand or vote in elections apart from Children's Platform Focal Point/Coordinator.