Join MGCY Admin Team 2024-25


We are hiring!

Application form:
Deadline: 31st August 2024

To continue the work of MGCY further, we are launching call for applications for the MGCY Admin Team for some portfolios listed below. 

These can be voluntary or paid positions available depending on location, role and/or number of hours. 

More details are on the form and below!

MGCY is the mandated, formal, and self-organised space for children and youth (under 30) to contribute to and engage in various policy processes at the UN. It acts as a bridge between young people and the UN system in order to ensure their right to meaningful participation is realized. It comprises 10000+ member entities in over 170 countries and territories.

The MGCY is entirely volunteer-based and facilitated by peer-selected/elected officers, including global, regional, and thematic focal points. The Secretariat is responsible for the overall facilitation of the MGCY and its working groups/constituencies and is principally responsible for liaising with the UN. It is composed of Organizing Partners, Policy Officers, Administrator and an Admin Team supporting various functions. The Secretariat also ensures smooth operations, as well as being involved in the strategic development and execution of core MGCY activities surrounding communications, reporting, membership management, and more.

Applications are still open for the following functions in the MGCY Admin Team

  • Bookkeeping: helping in book-keeping of financial transactions,  managing payment and transfer requests. Helping perform internal audit, if needed

  • Social media posting and Content development: managing social media posting schedule across various platforms (X, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIN, TikTok, etc.) and designing the content for the same (flyers, videos, reels, etc.)

  • Website on Squarespace & Files Management: updating/editing website of MGCY and other pages (e.g. MGCY presence on UN website) - experience with Squarespace is needed, additionally managing filing management system for documents/report/etc. in a Google Drive

  • Program Support Officers: project management and supporting work of specific constituencies/working groups/and central projects depending on the needs


- Paid and/or volunteer role, commitment between 5 to 20 hours a week (depending on your role)
- Self-driven, eager to learn, adaptive to change
- Responsive
- Professional, outcomes-and-detail oriented


Young people under the age of 30 are welcome to apply for various open positions for 6 months or one year.  If you join admin team, you cannot hold any other mandate in MGCY. 


If you want to apply for funding support/stipend, please be welcome to indicate that in the form under the respective question. 

Application form with more details on:
Deadline: 31st August 2024

Please be welcome to broadcast this further within your networks!