The Future of Multilateralism:
Empowering Youth & Building Resilience

Side-Event at Summit of the Future Action Days

Date: Friday, 20th September

Time: 16:45-18:00 EST

Venue: Conference Room 3, United Nations Headquarters, New York

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Partners: Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY), Sendai Stakeholders Engagement Mechanism (SEM), European Union (EU) Delegation to the UN, Permanent Mission of Kenya to UN, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN, World Vision InternationalUN Office on Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Women’s Major Group, Action Aid International, Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and others


The consultations with non-state actors and Major Groups and Other Stakeholders during the Mid-term Review of the Sendai Framework in 2023 highlighted the importance of global multilateral frameworks, including the Paris Agreement, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the New Urban Agenda in addressing critical hazards and risks, in setting the agenda. The Sendai Framework, in combination with other key global frameworks, have made significant progress in addressing critical hazards and risks. However, there is still a need to strengthen  inclusive and participative governance mechanisms at global level, regional and national levels to reliably monitor and follow up on the implementation of policies aimed at addressing these risks and building resilience, particularly in the face of emerging and systemic risks. Youth can play an important role in shaping the governance mechanism and must be included at all stages of this process. 

During the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, stakeholders emphasized that improving political and economic support, reducing knowledge gaps, and fostering collective action are essential to overcoming current challenges. By addressing these areas, multilateral efforts can be enhanced, to ensure a more robust and adaptive governance architective that effectively mitigates risks and builds resilience for all. In all these steps, the meaningful engagement and participation of youth is essential. 


Organized by youth groups, stakeholders and UN entities and Member States, this event will seek to highlight the role of stakeholders have in the implementation of the Pact of the Future from a perspective of risk-based governance and building resilience in times of crisis. It will draw lessons learned from Our Common Agenda preparatory process, consultations during the Sendai Framework Mid-Term Review (MTR), and ECOSOC Youth Forum outcomes toward charting a pathway for reinvigorating trust in multilateralism, through youth-led advocacy. The event will explore the role stakeholders can play in ensuring that governance architectures lead to initiatives with sufficient commitment, political and economic support, especially when implementing commitments under the Pact for the Future. The session will generate an outcome summarizing proposed actions to serve as a guidance to ensure youth voices are at the forefront of building a resilient and inclusive global future. 


  1. Discuss how young people can actively participate in and influence multilateral processes and decision-making.

  2. Explore strategies for youth to build personal and community resilience in the face of global crises.

  3. Demonstrate how these goals are essential in supporting youth empowerment and development.

  4. Encourage collaboration between youth, governments, and organizations to achieve sustainable development goals.

Outline of Programme

coming soon!