The Road to FfD-4 & IFA Reform: Role Of Youth & Addressing Emerging Issues
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Co organizers: Children and Youth International (ECOSOC accredited) Major Group for Children and Youth - FFD Youth Constituency
Young people today make up more than 40% of the global population and are set to bear the greatest impact of broken financial systems. At the same time, youth are also the changemakers, driving transformation both on the ground and within the UN system. Convened by the CYI, Major Group for Children and Youth - FfD Youth Constituency and in partnership with other organizations, interested UN partners and member states, this panel will focus on the role of young people in the reform of the IFA and feature discussions on on how FfD finance architecture is evolving/must evolve to address address contemporary and emerging issues in light of complex and interconnected challenges of climate, technology/AI and others.
Drawing upon the successful youth mobilization led by MGCY on the road to the SDG Summit 2023 and the Summit of the Future 2024 (including 30+ youth consultations that took place as part of it), this proposed session will undertake two key priorities (i) examine the role of youth and their priorities in implementing the financing commitments laid out in the Pact for the Future and share positions of the youth constituency on the IFA reform, including its linkage with the climate finance (ii) initiate discussions on how the FfD finance architecture is evolving and/or needs to evolve to address contemporary and emerging issues like climate crisis, technological/AI evolution and global health crisis, including exploring the role models such as state-to-state funding, state to non state funding, non-state to non-state funding, and role of youth in it.
The session will not be a one-time event, but rather integrated as part of the youth roadmap to FFD conference in Spain which includes moments such as the ECOSOC Youth 2025 (of which MGCY is co organiser) and the planned FFD Youth Assemblies.
A 2-3 page policy read comprising key messages from the session will be generated. It is expected to have other groups, networks, UN agencies and others as speakers/partners of the event. Panel Format. The event format would be an inter-generational panel comprising 3 youth reps, 1 or 2 reps from UN, one from member state, and one from academia/think tank). It will start with scene setting by the moderator followed by two rounds of questions (outlined above in the description). Under each question, 2-3 panelists will serve as lead discussants making short presentations followed by interventions (discussions) from the floor. Focus will be laid on keeping this session interactive and dynamic, using tools such as mantimeter, videos, etc.