Major Group for Children and Youth

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ILO DG, UNICEF Chief and Youth at MoU Launch on Skills between ILO and UNICEF- 8th October

On the 27 th of September, Generation Unlimited (GenU) and Decent Jobs for Youth
(DJY) brought young people together to share their experiences having benefitted
from programs supported by the two organizations. The session proved very rich as
the young leaders shared their reactions to the MoU and their recommendations on
how they envision the partnership supporting young people on the ground.
Based on consultation, it was clearly communicated that young people want to co-
create a pathway for the implementation of the MOU and want to participate in its
governance and decision-making processes.

The MoU will be launched on the 8th of October from 8 AM to 9 AM EST and this white paper will be
presented by a young beneficiary during this launch, ensuring the youth voice is heard. 

The MoU launched will be joined by the chiefs of ILO, UNICEF and representatives from UNMGCY.