Open Call for Regional Caucus Coordinators- Western Asia, and Europe and North America


What are Regional Caucuses? 

This includes all the member entities in a specific region (Asia Pacific, Western Asia, LatinAmerica and Caribbean, Africa, Western Europe and Others). They promote and coordinate the work on the UN MGCY at the regional level. While, different processes in the UN follow a range of ‘regions’ to coordinate their work, the UN MGCY Regional caucuses are grouped as per the UN regional commission region. These include the following:

  • ESCAP- Asia and the Pacific

  • ELAC- Latin America and the Caribbean

  • ECE- Europe and Other

  • ESCWA- Western Asia

  • ECA- Africa

What is Regional Caucus Coordination?

This includes all the Regional Focal Points of the respective regions for the different working groups/constituencies/processes , and is responsible for mainstreaming regional perspectives across the work of the UN MGCY.

What is a Regional Caucus Coordinator (RCC)?

The Regional Caucus Coordinator (RCC) is a formal mandated positions in the UN MGCY. The work involves coordinating the respective regional caucus and its relevant activities across the scope of the work of the UN MGCY. This includes but is not limited to the regional High Level Political Forums (HLPF), the ECOSOC Youth Forum, the Inter Agency Network in Youth Development, and other relevant avenues.

Additionally, RCCs occupy a seats on the UN MGCY Coordination Team, which includes all the Global Focal Points, the Secretariat (OPs and Administrator) and the focal points of the Cross Cutting Platforms. The RCCs are also members of the UN IANYD Youth Caucus

How are RCCs Selected / Elected?

The RCCs must be a member of the UN MGCY and are peer-selected from amongst RFPs (non CYI individuals) of the specific caucus. If none of the existing RFPs are interested or eligible for the position then additional applicants through this call will be considered. The previous round of applications are still valid and will be considered.

All positions are subject to the UN MGCY Process and Procedures which you can review here.

Admin Team