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Webinar : Technology as a Global Public Good and Service for the SDGs

Ton 16th July 2020, ton the side lines of the HLPF, he UN MGCY and Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG), in partnership  in collaboration with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Global Young Academy, the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group), and CSO Financing for Development Group (CSO FfD Group). with organised a webinar on 'Technology as a global public good and service for the Sustainable Development Goals'   2020 High Level Political Forum, to take place 

The webinar, designed around the recently launched JSPG-UNMGCY publication on Emerging Technologies and its Impact on Inequalities and Sustainable Development, will address how technology can be harnessed as a global public good to the service of people and planet, in ways that align with principles of equity and inclusion. The panel features diverse stakeholders in science, technology and innovation. It also provides a space for fruitful intergenerational dialogue on the role of technology justice to accelerate sustainable development, in particular through break-out sessions on a) technology governance, b) AI/data, c) education/inclusion, d) planetary (outer space) protection, and e) humanitarian affairs.