Migration Working Group Impact Report

The Migration Working Group Coordination team has started its new term in April 2020, onboarding new Thematic and Regional Focal Points and additional team members.


The report below summarizes the work conducted and facilitated in the last 3 months consisting of among many other activities, the creation of a general COVID-19 Youth Initiative Platform, advocacy for formal youth engagement in the GFMD process, the planning of the Youth Forum 2021, intensive participation in the regional GFMD consultations and working groups and the organization. In addition to these activities, we have organized the Youth Voices Webinar to ensure youth participation in UN processes in COVID times and as a contribution to the High Level Political Forum.


Apart from that, we have worked on the #MorethanMigrants campaign to reshape narratives on migration through storytelling and own contributions to various policy important calls from the United Nations such as the submission to the Secretary General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement or the contribution to the Secretary General report on the GCM.

Furthermore, the migration group acted as consultant to various youth organizations and supported them in their work for example the MINT project in Eastern Europe and grassroots youth initiatives in Latin America. To find out more about our impact, take a look at the report below.

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To stay updated on our work, follow our new account @youthandmigration.

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