INC-5 Global Plastics Treaty: Youth Accreditation Support and Travel Support Nomination

Dear constituency members, 

We are pleased to provide you with information regarding the upcoming Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-5) scheduled to be held from 25 November - 1 December 2024 in Busan, Republic of Korea. The session will be preceded by regional consultations on 24 November 2024. After a process spanning over two years, INC-5 is expected to be the final decisive meeting to conclude negotiations on a global plastics treaty. Effective youth engagement in the lead up to and during INC-5 will be vital, as this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to influence the outcome of the treaty text. 

The Global Youth Coalition on Plastic Pollution (GYCPP) facilitates youth engagement in this process. The GYCPP has been coordinated collaboratively by multiple youth constituencies relevant to the themes and accreditation categories of the INC, including the Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform. 

The GYCPP has now launched the application form for INC-5 Accreditation Support / Travel Support Nomination, open to all youth aged 35 or below. Please find further details in the application form linked below, and be mindful of the posted deadlines. 



  • Application for Travel Funding Nomination - 29 August 2024, 20:00 UTC

Applications for travel support nomination will be evaluated and competitively selected by a selection team comprised of members from different youth constituencies in the GYCPP. The GYCPP will collectively nominate up to 2-4 selected youth to the INC Secretariat for travel support. 

Note: Per the INC Secretariat guidelines, only participants from developing countries or countries with economies in transition are eligible for funding, with priority given to individuals from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

  • Requests for Accreditation Support Only - 15 September 2024, 23:59 UTC

Subject to availability of spots, GYCPP will support youth with obtaining an accreditation letter and registering via the online portal for INC-5. Please note that no funding will be provided; you will be responsible for your own travel arrangements. 

Admin Team