
Open Calls

We have some very exciting news to share with all of you.

With the conclusion of the UN calendar (HLPF) year and the start of another (UNGA) we are moving into an important phase of our own institutional processes.

With an alteration in timelines due to the change of date and then cancellation of the ECOSOC Youth Forum we are happy to announce that we are formally opening the call for several positions within the UN MGCY Secretariat and the UN MGCY/CYI Board. 

UN MGCY Secretariat

Organising Partners (OPs) and Administrator

The Secretariat is responsible for overall facilitation of the UN MGCY. It comprises the 1) Organising Partners, 2)Policy Officers and the 3) administrative team (coordinated by the Administrator) of the UN MGCY. Its work includes, but is not limited to:

Organising Partners 

These are individuals comprising part of the secretariat and responsible for executing its respective tasks. 

  • Policy (political, procedural and substantive) coherence (values of UN MGCY, means of implementation, principles of meaningful and rights-based institutional engagement, youth issues, established policy positions and more);

  • Oversight of Constituencies/Working Groups, Platforms, Policy Officers and Administrative Team.

  • Facilitate engagement in collective engagement avenues of the UN MGCY. 

The three (3) OP Positions that are open are the following:

  1. Policy Coherence/HLPF

  2. Youth Policy and Development

  3. Networks Coordination 


This is an individual comprising part of the secretariat and responsible for executing its respective tasks related to general administration and coordination, including finance and communications.

Individuals for these positions are elected by the UN MGCY Coordination Team.

Deadline - 10th September 2020

Policy Officers (POs)

These are individuals comprising part of the secretariat and responsible for executing its respective tasks.

  1. Support, backstop and directly help coordinate the work of different constituencies/working groups aligned by the pillars of the UN and/or cross cutting issues. 

  2. Coordinate forward looking substantive development and advocacy, and build coherence across the engagement avenues

The six (6) POs positions that are open are the following:

  • Human Rights

  • Peace and Security

  • Resilience and Humanitarian Affairs

  • Sustainable Development- Environment

  • Sustainable Development- Economic

  • Sustainable Development- Social 

The Individual for this position is elected by the relevant members of the UN MGCY Coordination Team, the board and the OPs. As this is the first iteration of this position, current GFPs are eligible (as per the transition step for this position) to apply for and hold the position for upto one year.

Deadline - 10th September 2020


Children and Youth International (CYI) is the financial and legal body of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY). It (CYI) was established for this specific purpose in 2010. It has the following tasks: 

  1. Supports the functioning of its secretariat

  2. It oversees the work of the Organising Partners (OPs)

  3. Co-leads the OPs election process along with the UN MGCY coordination team,

  4. Convenes UN MGCY’s grievance redressal mechanism, and

  5. Provides the organisational avenue for young individuals aged 30 and below to engage in the work of the UN MGCY.

CYI’s activities are executed through its board. The membership composition is based on the structure that was constituted in 2014 at the CYI General Assembly during the World Conference on Youth in Sri Lanka.

The composition includes:

  • 4-6 Seats allocated to nominations by the existing board 

  • 6 Seats allocated to nominations by the coordination team - one from each substantive cluster

  • 4-6 Seats allocated to nominations through an open call in CYI membership

  • Ex-officio seats for Organising Partners and the Administrator, with the outgoing individuals having the non mandatory option to stay on the board for a term

    Deadline - 10th September 2020