
Change the Conversation Challenge

Given the success of the Youth Leadership and Innovation Award on Migration during the Youth Forum 2021 and Shaping Narratives on Migration being a top priority for youth leaders worldwide, we decided to continue empowering already existing youth engagement in this field through the #ChangetheConversationChallenge.

Have you ever helped someone understand that migrants enrich our communities and want to share your experience?
Are you part of or leading an activity, an initiative, or project - no matter how small - working towards changing narratives on migration?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, this is for you!


Send us a short 1-2 minute video sharing your experience changing the conversation on migration to win 500$ in funding to support your work.
We are looking forward to your submissions by the 10th of May!

Youth Forum 2021

The Youth Forum on Migration will held from the 4th - 6th of January 2021. Due to Covid-19, the Migration Youth Forum will be held virtually. It serves as a preparatory space to the XIII GFMD Summit chaired by the United Arab Emirates and will focus on gathering youth perspectives in key thematic areas and from different regions, focusing on priorities for youth and children, and with attention to cross-cutting issues including gender, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, and disabilities. The Forum will also identify action-oriented solutions coupled with already existing successful initiatives addressing these issues, which can be suggested for replicating and scaling through partnerships with governments, civil society, and other stakeholders. We have a direct link to the Civil Society mechanisms, and the outcomes of the Forum will be presented directly to the GFMD through MGCY representation including through youth representatives at the GFMD Summit and in the other mechanisms’ meetings.


As part of the preparation to the Youth Forum, the selected youth leaders attended virtual workshops to get ready for the Forum in January - meet the young leaders in the pictures below and follow their journey under #youthandmigration or on our social media accounts.

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This year we have launched a new space for young people to present their existing solutions to issues around migration and development:

The Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration. 

This Award will showcase existing youth-led initiatives that empower and improve the living conditions of young people on the move. Participants will receive support in their journey, including mentorship, seed funding and the chance to participate at the Youth Forum and the GFMD in January.


Skilling Migrants for Employment

moveurope - @moveurope

Fundación Qubo - ENprender @soyqubo

The Association for the Integration of Women @weareaiw

Shaping Narratives on Migration

Global Advocacy Talk @talkgma

REFUPOET @refupoetkenya

El derecho a no obedecer - Xenophobia Barometer @elderechoanoobedecer

Emerging New Technologies for Migrants

A Global Voice for Autism - Include2020 @aglobalvoiceforautism

Make it German e.V. @makeitgermancom

Venezolanas Globales @venezolanasglobales


1. PLACE: El derecho a no obedecer - Xenophobia Barometer

2. PLACE: A Global Voice for Autism - Include 2020

3. PLACE: The Association for the Integration of Women - Roots

These events are hosted by


Supported by

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In collaboration with

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