Outreach Social Care Project (OSCAR)
Coronavirus and its Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals
Location: South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo
We are living in unprecedented times. Outreach Social Care Project (OSCAR) is a grass-roots non-profit organization based in South Africa and Democratic Republic of Congo since 2008, working with disadvantaged and underprivileged communities in townships and rural areas. The organization will undertake initiatives that support people affected and infected by COVID- 19 through the provision of prevention, awareness, livelihood as well the psychosocial support through the power of sharing and collaboration to increase reporting coronavirus and its impact on the sustainable development goals.
Outreach Social Care Project will be unable to contain the COVID- 19 pandemic and manage the cases, and without external support, health infrastructure is likely to collapse, and many lives lost. The virus is rapidly spreading and very complicated to manage as severe cases require isolation and intensive care unit (ICU) services. High prevalence of comorbidities that weaken immune systems like HIV and AIDS, maternal illness and TB are likely to increase risk of infection. The outbreak is evolving, and Outreach Social Care Project has been and continues to remain extremely concerned about the impact COVID- 19 will have in KwaZulu Natal Province and Katanga Province, particularly amongst the population with high HIV and TB prevalence, or among the malnourished orphans and vulnerable children as on children headed householders.
Support Needed
Funds needed: In response to the COVID- 19 pandemic, Outreach Social Care Project- OSCAR is seeking a funding to address immediate needs on documenting and reporting the COVID- 19 in the townships and rural areas in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa as well in Katanga Province of Democratic Republic of Congo.
This funding will provide Outreach Social Care Project- OSCAR leadership with the flexibility needed to design and implement community-based urgent solutions to react to the spread of COVID- 19 within their communities.
See more: https://www.facebook.com/OutreachSocialCareProjectOscar/
For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org