Location: Nigeria (Ibadan)
There are two Pandemics, Coronavirus and Misinformation.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic in Nigeria, more people have lost their lives due to Misinformation than the virus had killed. A lot of information has been flying around on a daily basis ranging from salt usage to excessive alcohol intake.
In a bid to solve this Coronaupdate is a multi faceted tool designed for two purposes, first, help in self testing via a point based questionnaire as well as disseminating responsible information to the public as a trusted source, given the name of the innovation as well as reporting suspected cases to the appropriate authorities.
During my research, I discovered that over 2000 Nigerians came into the country through the Togo border all the way from Europe and the government isn't saying anything about this as well as not isolating them. Given full support, I would work with the Nigerian port health authorities as well as the Immigration department to help identify, trace and isolate suspected cases.
The innovation would require about $3000 to help run the website, provide unlimited internet access as well as helping with case tracking and mapping via logistics channels.
Other needs: Access to information, Volunteers
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