The Basileia Vulnerable Persons Rights Initiative

We_Menspeakforwomen(Campaign against Gender Based Violence during lockdown with men at the frontline)

Location: Nigeria

Social media can be used to deal with the toxic philosophies of abusers of women rights and even men can help to stop Gender based violence, this can be done when they are deliberate and use the hash tags we launched #NotAnotherWomen #We_menspeakforwomen

Sexual and other forms of gender-based violence are increasingly reported in situations of complex emergencies (e.g. involving political instability and armed conflict). The term "sexual and other forms of gender-based violence" comprises not only rape and attempted rape, but also sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, marital rape, and many other forms.

These acts of violence can lead to serious consequences to physical and psychological health and social well-being.

The Nigerian government has introduced social isolation measures to slow the spread of the Covid-19. Older and younger people are not allowed to leave their homes at all, and the rest of the population have been asked to stay in as much as possible.

Women's advocates in Nigeria say that there has been a considerable increase in cases of domestic violence during the lockdown. Increases in domestic violence have been reported across the world since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the imposition of lockdown measures. Nigeria is among the countries where the number of reports have grown.

Women's rights activists in Nigeria are calling for the authorities to take the laws seriously and ensure that women and children receive the necessary protection from violence during and after this lockdown period.


Budget: $2500. We plan to get friends and family to support because is difficult for young people initiatives to get support.

Other needs: Volunteers, Space for online meetings, Uninterrupted internet access

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Instagram @bvprightsinitive

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