United Nations Population Fund

Youth Against COVID-19

Location: Global Project

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#YouthAgainstCOVID-19 is a video-based communications campaign focusing on sharing information on the pandemic with young audiences, and making it possible for them to re-create the videos in their language or according to their context. It is the result of a partnership between UNFPA and Prezi, with various youth-led and youth-serving networks and other UN agencies working together to produce the videos. The campaign comprises six videos featuring youth leaders and focusing on various themes related to the COVID-19 crisis, from general information on the virus to its impact on sexual and reproductive or mental health and what actions young people can take. You can find materials in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, with more languages coming soon.


Support needed: Volunteers

See more: http://prez.is/youthagainstcovid19

For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org