73rd World Health Assembly Launches Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030

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In 2016, the World Health Organization received the mandate and support from 194 countries to develop and coordinate, in cooperation with others, a Global Campaign to Combat Ageism that will provide the platform to change the way we think, feel and act towards age and ageing.

In order to facilitate a youth voice into the process, the UN MGCY joined the coordinating/steering group of the campaign in 2017 and carried our extensive consultations and translations for the material related to the campaign and has been engaged since then.

The UN MGCY has been a part of the Global Campaign Against Ageism that is coordinated by WHO. Below you can find an exciting update on the topic.

Decade on Healthy Ageing

On 3rd August 2020, the Decade of Healthy Ageing was adopted by the 73rd World Health Assembly through written silent procedures (see here). The decade focuses on 4 key action areas and the first of these is changing how we think, feel and act towards age and ageing, which includes our joint “battle” to tackle ageism or the stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination of people on the basis of their age. 

 Member States have asked the Director-General to report back on progress on implementation every 3 years during the Decade. The Health Assembly also asked the Director-General to transmit this decision to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to make this a UN Decade of Healthy Ageing! The final proposal for the Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030 is available on the Decade’s dedicated page in all 6 official UN languages: ArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussian and Spanish. Please do take a look!

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