Announcement of the New Global Focal Points of Youth for Responsibility to Protect (YR2P) Constituency

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The Youth for Responsibility to Protect (YR2P) Constituency would like to extend a warm welcome to three incoming Global Focal Points: Leonardo Párraga Gutiérrez of Juventudes por la Paz, Gaia Michelle Benjamin of Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention (YCGAP), and Nyon Nyin Toh of Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention (YCGAP).

We are excited to see your work unfold!

What is a Global Focal Point (GFP)?

A Global Focal Point (GFP) is responsible for the overall facilitation of the specific constituency/working group/substantive area and its tasks. They are member entities who execute the mandate through nominated individuals. They are directly elected through the membership.

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