GoMartins Mission

Location: Brazil

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-12 at 3.06.05 PM - Go Martins.jpeg

During the covid-19 crisis, one of the most impacted areas was tourism. Many Brazilian cities have most of their economic activity in tourism and during the pandemic the income of thousands of families has dropped dramatically and many companies, hotels and restaurants have closed, increasing the number of unemployed.

During the critical phase of the covid-19 crisis, the GoMartins team worked in the communities helping with various social projects, distributing food, protective equipment, etc. Now, during the resumption process our GoMartins youth team decided to act to help communities in this resumption process.

Our team is visiting several cities, monitoring and assisting in the processes of adaptations of biosafety, carrying out social and environmental actions (many NGOs have lost investments and sponsorships), also promoting through our influencers nature tourism, which has great growth potential in Brazil and it can help create jobs, move the economy and increase protection for the environment.

We have already visited several cities and we have institutional support from Embratur (Brazilian agency for the international promotion of tourism) and local partners for our actions.

One of the most impacting actions took place in the city of Bonito-Ms, where, in partnership with the Red Cross, SESC and Visit Bonito, a course to combat COVID-19 was held for more than 100 tour guides. In addition, we reached more than a million views on virtual platforms and great media coverage.

The GoMartins team will visit several nature tourism destinations to continue helping Brazil in the recovery process.

GoMartins Team ( in alphabetic order):

  • Alice Morais

  • Bianca Ewald

  • Felipe Martins

  • Henrique Martins

  • Roberto Benatti


As this is a project that started voluntarily, our budget is ending quickly. We need to find partners to help minimize the cost of our travel. Our monthly travel expenses (airline tickets, hotels, meals, etc.) are around $ 2500 per month (US Dollars).

Other needs: Access to information, Space for online convenings (e.g. GoToMeeting), Scholarship in courses to train our team in project areas (Postgraduate, Master's, etc.). With more knowledge, our team can have a more effective impact.

See more:

GoMartins Mission: https://www.gomartins.org/miss%C3%A3o-gomartins

Embratur (Brazil tourism agency) post about us: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoreiDH-H6/

News about social media impact: https://www.bonitonoticias.com.br/bonito-ms/noticia/turismo/missao-go-martins-em-bonito-gera-mais-de-1-milhao-de-visualizacoes-em-redes-sociais

News: https://www.bonito.ms.gov.br/2020/07/22/irmaos-martins-visitam-bonito-para-producao-de-conteudo-sobre-turismo-durante-a-pandemia/

Interview for radio: https://www.jpnews.com.br/campo-grande/projetos-ajudam-retomada-de-turismo-em-bonito/140791/

For more information, contact covid19@unmgcy.org