Kabangwe Creative Initiative Association
Location: Zambia (Chazanga and Kabangwe communities located in between Lusaka and Chibombo district)

The organization is using the Clinic-Community Collaboration approach, this initiative is responding to some of the challenges being faced by adolescents and young people age 15-24 living with HIV as follows:
Strengthening remote access (phone) to SRH and HIV prevention information to minimise vulnerability and exposure to sexual exploitation especially among girls and young women
Provision of remote (phone) Psycho social/mental health support to stable adolescents & young people living with HIV who will not access the service due to long term (3-6 months) dispensing of ARV’s as a way of decongesting Health Centre.
Encouraging/ awareness on the use of sanitizers/ soaps as well as the wearing of masks to prevent transmission and infection of COVID-19
Provision of basic Personal protective Equipment to Health workers at Chazanga Health Centre and Shifwankula Health post
Provision of basic food packages to vulnerable households of adolescents and young people living with HIV due to economic disruptions caused by COVID-19
Our initiatives' planned budget is $10,000 but we have so far raised $ 3,600 which we have spent accordingly. In order to meet the remaining balance of $6,400, we shall continue to send project proposals to prospective funders as outlined in our resource mobilization strategy. We are also hoping that once this initiative is shared on the UNMGCY platform, it will get the necessary support required to meet the remaining balance of the planned project.
Location: Volunteers, Access to information, Space for online convenings (e.g. GoToMeeting)
See more: http://on.fb.me/1t45b1H
For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org