Location: Philippines

In today’s society, majority revolve around the hyper-digitalised fast-paced world of ‘ME, mySELF & I’ — all eyes on social MEdia, SELFies and mobile phones. Filipinos spend an average of ten hours daily on social media, making Filipinos the most active users for four years in a row.

Due to this, social media has widely affected us and our overall health — from escalating rates of mental health illnesses. Filipinos were among the most stressed populations in the world. The Philippines also has one of the highest cases of depression in Southeast Asia, affecting over three million Filipinos.

Many have become the ‘impatient, isolated, insecure’ individuals who are constantly competing against each other — being the ‘humanrace’.

In light of COVID-19 and the need to self-isolate, people around the world may be feeling more disconnected than ever. This feeling of isolation can be disillusioning and cause many to struggle mentally, emotionally, socially. We want to change this. But it starts with the SELF. Thus brought forth the establishment of P4SSitON.

P4SSitON is a community organisation driven by Passions to build a Positive, Purposeful, Progressive communi’t’y of 't's - accountability buddies, where instead of competing as the ‘humanrace', we collaborate to become the ‘humankind'. We aim to raise awareness on the importance of the SELF— to embrace SELF-care and engage in SELFless acts for individual and societal growth.

Recently, we have received over 15,000 reach for our call for amP4ssadors fellowship training programme, with applicants nationwide. We also effectively built the Subtle Passion Sharing Facebook group of almost 3,000 members, an online community that sparked positivity during this pandemic, where people engage and encourage each one to share what they love to do! This is just the beginning. We aim to pass on P4SSitON from the Philippines to Asia and beyond!


With our planned initiatives (Amp4ssadors Training Programme, P4SSitON Passion Summit, Story't'eller Challenge) we have an estimated required budget of PHP 2,000,000 which we are fundraising through approaching potential sponsors and "p4rtners" - partnerships with multinational corporations that are in line with our vision.

Other needs: Volunteers, Access to information, Space for online meetings

See more:

Website - www.P4SSitON.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/P4SSitONcom
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/514087962862445/
Instagram - www.instagram.com/P4SSitON

For more information contact covid19@unmgcy.org